derrick sellers

Home | Ceremony | Reception | Contact Us

Here a site were you can come to and make a point of a wedding and other thing that you my need you contact me at (313) 593-8910 or vistor my website for more information.

There is also a way that you can find me my send me a email  or simply call me or have to contact me if you can or find a way to set up a point

He is some very important like for insected get in context and reach on my web site or call and will trying call you back.  

On this home page, we'll include some general information, such as the date of the wedding, where it was held, and what the weather was like (always important for those outdoor receptions!) We'll also include a few of our favorite pictures. We might even scan in a copy of our wedding invitation or program.


Be sure to get in touch and let us know what you think after you've taken a look through our album!

This is derrick home page were something make sence to me about wedding